We’ll start things off with a little disclaimer:
The views expressed in this blog are the express beliefs and thoughts of the individual originator of this website and do not necessarily coincide with the beliefs of any organization associated and/or affiliated with the aforementioned guy writing this blog.
With that out of the way, I finally did it. I installed WordPress on my website. So here we are.
But why are we here? Well that, little Johnny, is a long story.
Okay, not really. Basically I’m going to be using this as a central hub for my escapades from here on out. This includes any music and media I create, things I find worth talking about in current events, campaigns I run for charitable donations, everything!
I want this to be the place everyone comes to keep up with everything that’s going on in my life, because social media itself is, frankly put, pretty dang fake. What does that mean for these posts? It means I’m gonna be real. If you’re thinking Donald Trump-tier real, I might let you down a little, because I’m not a real buttwiener. But like true-to-life real. It means I might say things that make you uncomfortable, make you think, in addition to things that make you laugh, feel good and warm and fuzzy and stuff. If that interests you, then welcome aboard! If that doesn’t, my aggrandized caricatures of my life and dank birb memes are over on Facebook and Twitter.
Hope you stay along for the ride! I anticipate it’ll be a bumpy one, but I think we’ll have some fun along the way!